Our year is off to a wonderful and busy start at ACT Global Sports! We have several new announcements we would like to share.
1. New FIFA Certifications
ACT Global Sports has completed several new FIFA certifications at fields around the globe. We recently passed re-testing in Hungary, and completed certification in Netherlands and Poland. We also just passed our first FIFA testing in the US. ACT Global’s certifications demonstrate our continued dedication to maintaining the highest-quality fields.
2. Successful launch of Malaysia factory
ACT Global Sports officially launched Malaysia’s first artificial turf manufacturing facility, located in Sungai Buloh, Selangor. We selected Malaysia due to its tradition of advanced technology and quality manufacturing. The extended manufacturing of our Xtreme Turf and Xtreme Lawn brands in Malaysia will include clear performance, durability, financial and logistical benefits for both customers and players. Malaysia Managing Director Mahesh Ganapathy has worked in carpet and synthetic turf manufacturing for over 20 years. ACT Global is proud to have him on board as a highly technical project manager and experienced with start-up operations.
3. Hosted FIFA Seminar in Las Vegas
Following the Synthetic Turf Council Meetings held in Las Vegas, ACT Global Sports hosted a FIFA Seminar for industry design consultants, test institutes, manufacturers, contractors and maintenance providers. The presentations from our company and other industry experts provided the attendees a greater understanding of the roadmap to a truly high-quality sports turf installation.
4. FIFA Seminar in Vietnam on May 14th.
We will host our next FIFA Seminar in Vietnam on May 14, 2012 to highlight the benefits of synthetic turf.